As recommended actually the fuel filter is to be replaced at 60,000 kms (if not mistaken), cost around RM18. Recently the fuel pump also died in my attempt to start the car going back to my friend's factory, after taken out so here's the malfunctioning fuel pump looks like:

The pump looks great, eh? It's unbelievable that its malfunctioning while looking so good & new. Cost around RM140 but the other day I was conned to the amount of RM250 for the whole job. Nevertheless the work done was good, no extra problems found on ignition & sprinting other than a broken bracket for my rear seat. Argh!! (thank god it has no noise)
And...what else? I've been worrying for quite sometime about the cracks on my bumper, and the gaps I saw through easy detailing on the car:

Anyway just 2 days ago the car had a blackout due to shot-circuit of the battery point with the front hood, causing the battery 'kong' (discharged excessively) hence I had to recharge it by jump-starting with another battery. As I was wondering whether the fuse did blow up & who's going to help me, a club member stroll by the scene as he parked his Putra at the very parking space my car stalled (unbelievable!!).
So I was saved from starving & walking some kilos & managed to COD with a forum member later on & go for basketball....
Fuhh... Thank god.
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