After 2 weeks of processing the claim & getting the approval, the car made it to the repair bay & it has been a week there now.

Chassis was fixed, where new hood assembled, both side wheel houses & fenders were replaced up to the radiator grille & front bumper. The front lips are yet to be assembled.

The new wheel house was welded and now waiting to be cemented to smoothen the surface.

The drive train support: Cross member & center member. As a comparison, below is the shot of the damaged crossmember:

The engine is however still in the fix. Will update later on when I go to the workshop again next week.
bumper standard??
VID lah lalala,
takpon c-west ker, promote ker,
headlights pon tukar projector la..
baru lah mantap...crank pulley awak tu cantik dan menarik lah lalala
mmg nak masuk c-west dah... but tak sempat nak beli diorang dah beli dulu bumper tu...kedambit
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